Power Tools 1993 October - Disc 2
Power Tools (Disc 2)(October 1993)(HP).iso
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Item Subject: PCMFL
Performance Consulting Service Methodology file for WEET:
Download the enclosed file into the WEET subdirectory on your
Vectra. You must name the downloaded file PERFORM.MFL.
(Remember to specify BINARY mode when transfering the file.)
This will update your methodology file for the performance
family with the latest work breakdown structures. The
methodology files for other families will not be affected.
Item Subject: PCMFL1
performance management and capacity planning services.
management and capacity planning services.
Benefits Analysis is a prerequisite for needs
assessment. HP's business solution services includes a free
Benefits Analysis (HP Coach), in which the HP team helps
customers prioritize strategic technology opportunities and
associated benefits. This service may be delivered by any
HP Coach certified member of the PSO or the sales
For one or more of the solutions that were identified in the
Benefits Analysis, the HP team uses the requirements
analysis process and process modeling techniques to document
the customer's current processes, make recommendations for
improvement, and define the solution's functional
written report which includes a description of a
customer's current environment, their future needs, and
recommendations for next steps.
The needs assessment process is used to provide this
deliverable. The customer may be sensitive to the name of
the deliverable. Consider alternatives such as requirements
analysis or needs analysis. The terms requirements analysis
and needs assessment refer to the same process.
Identify the structure and organization of each of the
project teams and assign clear responsibility to each
project team member. This will cover both the HP and
customer teams plus appropriate sub-contractors.
Identify and organize the people and specify each person's
role in the project. The following teams need to be
* HP team.
* Customer team.
* Sub-contractors.
Develop the needs assessment process delivery strategy in
line with the defined project objectives, scope,
deliverables, and agreed approach.
Develop the needs assessment process delivery strategy
based on the project objectives, scope, deliverables, and
approach (data-gathering strategy) defined in the project
proposal. Review your strategy with key customer contacts
for approval prior to the project kick-off meeting.
will include analysis of the organization, current
environment, and process flows.
Prepare for the kick-off meeting and interview process by
gathering all available information on the customer
organization, environment, and process flows. Obtain
copies of customer publications, and any other supporting
material relevant to the project.
kickoff meeting is to:
* Agree on goals and objectives
* Present and discuss the delivery strategy
* Agree on roles and responsibilities
Prior to beginning the project, present your delivery
strategy in a project kick-off meeting to clearly set
expectations of the needs assessment process and
participants' responsibilities. The meeting can be a
formal presentation to the entire customer organization
involved with the project, or simply an informal
discussion with key customers.
* Customer publications
* Reports
* Forms
* File layouts
* Manuals
This is the best data gathering method for information
which is already documented in some way by the customer.
Contact the customer by phone, in person, or by letter to
request copies of customer publications, documents, memos,
letters, reports, forms, file layouts, manuals, or any
other supporting material relevant to the project.
prepare discussion guides as appropriate.
Using questionnaires can be a very efficient and effective
way to gather information. Questionnaires are used as an
independent device sent directly to the person selected to
respond. A questionnaire is an excellent vehicle to
gather information when the HP consultant cannot get an
understanding of the current situation and future
Face-to-face on-site interviewing is the best data
gathering technique. On-site visits allow the HP
consultant to build a complete understanding of the
customer's situation.
Interviewing is an iterative information gathering
process. The interview has several steps that may need to
be repeated. These steps are planning, scheduling,
conducting, and reviewing notes.
A questionnaire can be structured to be used as a
discussion guide during the interview. The HP consultant
completes the discussion guide interactively with the
customer during on-site or telephone interviews. The
discussion guide may be sent to the customer in advance to
have him prepare the information needed for the interview.
include pre-interview research and post interview
A phone call to the customer is a great method for quick
information exchange. Examples of this data gathering
technique are listed below.
Pre-Interview: Contact people prior to interviews to
discuss the topics you will cover and what preparation is
required. This will make the interview time much more
Interviews: Sometimes the best or only way to interview a
person is by phone.
Clarification: The HP consultant may need to call the
customer to clarify facts or get additional follow-up
Aggregate and organize the data that has been gathered in
a format or formats that will facilitate analysis of the
data in a concise manner.
* Select one or more formats that you feel will best serve
for analyzing the data. There are many formats and
techniques used to develop pictures of a customer's
information flow or processes. To name a few:
* Process Modeling (IDEF0).
* Data Flow Diagrams.
Structured analysis techniques such as data flow diagrams
and IDEF0 are the recommended techniques to be
used with needs assessment process. The important
thing to remember is that a picture can be faster to
develop and more effective in communicating than straight
text; a picture is worth a thousand words.
* Compile the data into the selected formats.
* Use the project scope as the framework within which to
organize the data. If you have some data that falls
outside of the project scope, discuss it with the primary
customer contact.
* Experiment with various formats - narrative description,
structured analysis data flow diagrams, an objectives and
issues matrix, and other tools - to see which one fits
* Use various formats in combination to obtain the best
* Use the time between interviews to aggregate the
information. Doing this while it is fresh in your mind
will help reduce the amount of effort required when you
compile the information gathered from all your sources.
* Review the graphical models you have created with the
customer. Set aside some time to educate the customer on
the diagramming notations you used for building a visual
* Appendix E Modeling & Needs Assessment
* Objectives and Issues Matrix
gathered. Identify the issues and requirements and the
short-term and long-term strategies.
Outline the content and organization of each of the report
Use this information to formulate the next steps and long
term strategy for later use in the report presentation.
Assessment report which documents the information
Generate the first draft of the Needs
Assessment report which documents the information
Check the flow of the report to enhance the presentability
of it.
Solicit peer and management review and advice prior to
reviewing the draft with the customer coach or project
Conduct both HP internal reviews and customer reviews of
the draft of the Needs Assessment report.
Distribute the report draft and then follow up with a
review meeting or review phone call or have the edited
draft returned to the HP consultant. The review and
revision cycle can be repeated several times, can occur
only once, or can be skipped altogether. The strategy for
the report review should be defined at the beginning of
the project.
The review and revision processes are intended to clarify
any ambiguous language and incorporate terminology that is
meaningful to the customer.
Be extremely careful when making changes to insure that
the changes do not compromise your findings.
as a result of the review process.
Be extremely careful when making changes to insure that
the changes do not compromise your findings.
The review and revision processes are intended to clarify
any ambiguous language and incorporate terminology that is
meaningful to the customer. The HP consultant reserves the
right to retain any language or terminology that, in his
opinion, influences the findings or conclusions that can
be drawn from the report.
Make changes to the report that were agreed upon as a
result of the review process. If necessary, submit the
report for another review cycle. Produce the required
copies of the final report.
key findings contained in the report.
The presentation is a summarization or review of the
findings. Sometimes, a joint presentation is effective.
The presentation will be scheduled after the report is
completed and the key customer people involved have
reviewed and discussed it. The content and strategic
direction of the presentation will be determined jointly
by the HP consultant and the key customer personnel.
Be sure to schedule an ample amount of time to deliver the
presentation. It's much better to finish early than to run
Do everything you can to insure that you have the right
audience for the presentation and that the timing is such
that will have their attention.
It may be appropriate to deliver the presentation off site
or at the local HP office.
report, and will highlight the key findings.
Time will to be allowed for discussion following the
Copies of the presentation materials will be made available to
the participants.
Time ought to be allowed for discussion following the
presentation. A key element of the presentation is a plan
for follow-on activity (the next steps). It may not be a
detailed plan at this point, but should include a direction
as to how the requirements identified in the study can be
met. This meeting is the opportunity to get commitment to go
forward. If it is necessary to obtain a commitment or a
consensus to proceed from the participants of the presentation
be sure that you and your internal sponsor agree on where and
how in the presentation to ask for it.
that meets the functional requirements outlined in the needs
assessment. The consultant also provides a plan which defines
the scope, strategy, time frame and resources required to
implement the selected solution. Finally, the customer may
receive a pilot project to test the solution in the customer
The HP Consultant provides the customer with a solution design
that meets the functional requirements outlined in the needs
assessment. The consultant also provides a plan which defines
the scope, strategy, time frame and resources required to
implement the selected solution. Finally, the customer may
receive a pilot project to test the solution in the customer
Currently, tools, tips and best practices are only available in
the Distributed Computing Family. However, the process is
applicable to all ConsultLine families. Thus, the solution
design and pilot process is available in all families.
integrated solution which meets their business objectives.
The proposed solution may incorporate information management
technologies, process improvements, cost justification
analysis and a high level implementation strategy. The
solution and decision making processes used will be presented
in the form of a report and appropriate presentations.
Delivery of this service depends on the completion of a
needs assessment study.
Since the main deliverable of this product is a report, a
good word processing tool should be used to create
intermediate and final documents. Your area office might
have documentation standards and resources like proposal
center to help you in selection of tools. Features to look
for include: outlining, table of contents, spell checking,
thesaurus, indexing, graphics integration. Some
possibilities: HPTag, MsWord, Ami Professional, Word
with the customer to confirm business needs and requirements.
This step should be reviewing, not conducting, a needs
analysis. If an in depth analysis is required at this time
evaluate the need to conduct a Needs Assessment.
If the consultant(s) delivering Solution Design & Pilot
(SDP) performed the Needs Assessment, then this step would
not be required.
The HP consultant reviews the following information:
* Customer Short & Long Term Business Plan and Objectives
* Customer Information Technology Strategy
* Customer needs assessment (if not available, use
Needs Assessment/requirements analysis tools)
* Customer Physical and Geographic Layout
* Customer Organizational & Reporting Structure
* Customer Information Flows i.e. flows up to Corporate from
divisions vs autonomous divisions
management style, culture, resources and capabilities.
The HP consultant obtains undocumented knowledge about the
customer's environment. This can be done through
observations or meetings with other HP or non HP team
members, e.g. consultants, third parties, etc.
Need to:
* Assess customer's political environment.
* Identify customer coach, key players and decision makers.
* Assess and understand the customer's technical
sophistication, abilities and skills.
* Assess if a competitive situation exists and who are the
This step is included to provide visibility to the
consultant regarding the importance of understanding the
customer's environment in this manner. Time should be
included in the project to achieve this level of
understanding; however, the consultant would probably not
include this task in documentation which will be reviewed
by the customer.
for this phase of the project.
Factors to consider:
* Teams members from different level, e.g. steering
committee, user representation. May or may not be same
people involved in RA.
* Identify the customer team leader.
* Define team member roles and responsibilities.
* Assess required HP resources, e.g. OA vs CIM.
* Establish administrative procedures.
* Meeting agenda
* Meeting minutes
* Action items and follow-up
* Standardize tools for documentation, e.g. HPTag, Drawing
* Meeting Minutes Guidelines
* Project Team Structure
Technology standards and other constraints that might
influence solution selection.
HP consultant assesses critical business issues by:
* Identifying customer constraints, management edicts.
* Assessing any other issues critical to customer.
* Identifying existing hardware and software that must
integrate with proposed solution
* Reviewing corporate edicts or standards,
eg Unix, hardware platform preference, distributed vs
centralized, corporate computing connectivity
* Including representatives from MIS and other functional
areas outside MIS
If a formal IT planning process exists within the customer's
organization there may be an Information Systems Strategy
document and/or an Information Technology Strategy document.
Obtain and review copies of these documents which may be
called other names such as "EDP strategy" or "IT strategy".
of the customer's requirements and gathers any additional
information required to ensure a correct understanding of
the requirements.
* Contact customer to validate your understanding of their
needs. You may need to verify with more than one contact.
* Get clarification on any requirements which are not clear.
* Situation may occur that customer would want to limit
or expand scope of solution presented in the needs assessment.
* Beware of a moving target caused by business, economy,
personnel changes, etc.
Develop and document a final requirements list based on all
known customer requirements and research.
* Summarize notes on requirements, environment, and
* Use these notes as input to later tasks involving selection
criteria evaluation and mapping solutions to requirements.
* Review and get buy-in from the customer coach
Evaluate what is the best format for this documentation to
facilitate review with the customer. It may be a written
working document or "bulleted" items on presentation slides.
with project team.
Review and confirm final requirements list developed in
previous task with the customer.
* Make notes and adjustments to requirements list as needed.
* Use this final document as input to the "evaluation.
criteria" and "solution development" stages.
* Milestone of 1st phase.
selection criteria to be used in determining a solution.
HP consultant reviews the selection criteria checklist.
Brainstorm with project team on what selection criteria
might be most appropriate.
Factors to consider:
* Business issues / objectives / requirements.
* Hardware, software, network features and performance.
* Budget.
* Time-frame.
* Utopia vs practical vs minimum solution.
* Multi-vendor implementation and support issues.
* Sample Information Technology Selection Criteria
* Manufacturing Functionality Checklist
* Business Intelligence Functionality Checklist
selection criteria to be used in determining a solution.
This will probably be done during the same session in which
the selection criteria is identified (previous task).
For customers who require assistance setting priorities, a
priority setting technique can be utilized. This
deliverable can be emphasised as one of the benefits when
selling SDP.
* Priority Matrix Grid
This will be used as a basis for the selection and
evaluation of proposed solutions.
The HP consultant should review the selection criteria
with the customer coach prior to formal verification.
project team.
* Formally obtain buy-off from project team on the solution
selection criteria.
* Milestone of 2nd phase.
Document using meeting minutes.
Factors to consider:
* Use requirement list (output from Document Requirement
task- Task ID 060).
* HP product strategy.
* Product features matching user requirements.
* Availability and support of 3rd party products.
* Integration and dependencies issues.
* What competitors are offering to the customer.
complete or to optimize solution.
If some requirements have no HP product fit, consider:
* Searching the HP solution catalog for other alternatives
* Conducting a product search.
* Issuing an RFP for a 3rd party (product features, services
required, timeline).
* Performing special coding and customization.
Resource Reference List
Points to consider during evaluation and selection:
* The number of solutions available.
* If there is ONE best solution, or a few "equally" good ones.
* Does the customer want one recommended solution or
a set of alternatives ?
* Does the solution match the customer's information technology
strategy ?
* 3rd party viability/professionalism/support capability.
* 3rd party/HP relationship.
* If HP has different solutions, which product is "more
strategic" ?
the customer budget and potential return on investment.
* Should be rough cut.
* Eliminate solutions that are outside the customer's price
* Make use of Profit Improvement Proposal.
* Include rough cut of professional service costs.
necessary to verify the feasibility of solution and reduce
* Has the solution been implemented before?
* Any components in development stages?
* Customer environment, e.g. unrealistic expectations,
inadequate resources, politics, etc.
* Determine if a pilot (solution test) is required. If so,
this is a separate deliverable that the customer will need
to pay for. May want to present as "for these reasons ...
HP recommend a pilot of ... to be performed in ... areas."
See pilot project deliverables.
Ideally format should map to structured analysis techniques
used in the Needs Assessment study.
Draft document of proposed solution, including
* flowcharts
* hardware configuration
* software lists
* datasheets
This is necessary for formal review and buy-off from project
team, but not the final report.
required to incorporate solution changes.
Be aware of how the solution will change the customer's
documentation flow, reporting structure etc.
implementation strategy.
* Not a detailed implementation plan. (Implementation Plan
will be done after the sale, during the implementation
* This strategy should define how proposed solution will
change the customer's business from current to future model.
* "Glue" around the products, major steps to integrate
products into the customer's environment.
* Sequence of major phases of implementation.
implementation and on-going operation.
For implementation:
* Project management.
* Implementation assistance.
* Customization and coding.
* Training.
* CEO services.
* 3rd party services.
* Integration.
* Network services.
For on-going support:
* Hardware, software, and 3rd party support.
Factors to consider:
* Customer's willingness to pay. (Scope and prioritize according
to customer budget and internal available resources.
Expectations should be set clearly if customer reduces services
and support below that which is recommended by HP.)
* Customer sophistication and capabilities - include data sheets.
document cost justification study of proposed solution.
Get help from sales Profit Improvement Proposal (PIP)
resources if available.
* First review and get buy-off from your customer coach.
* Present to and get sign-off from project team.
* Document agreement in meeting minutes.
* Milestone of 3rd phase.
The report outline should document the project scope,
customer's environment, selection criteria, solutions
proposed, pilot scope if it is recommended, and HP
recommendations and next steps.
Work with Sales Proposal Center if available.
Sample Report Outline.
developed in the previous step.
Merge documents from different HP personnel and 3rd parties.
Consider standardizing on one word processing tool to
minimize rework.
Depending on the area office's standard, a tool like HP Tag,
MsWord, or WordPerfect should be used. Use admin/proposal
center resources if possible.
HP consultant should first review the report internally with
other HP peers, the DM and the SR. Then review the document
with 3rd parties and customer coach for their feedback and buy-in.
HP consultant to look out for:
* Terminology meaningful to the customer.
* Clarity / punctuation / grammar / spelling.
* Commitment/liability of HP, especially with 3rd party
HP consultant looks out for:
* Commitment/liability of HP, especially with 3rd party
* Making changes that do not compromise findings.
number, the audience for presentation of findings. Develop
presentation materials for the presentation(s).
* Work with sales to incorporate standard HP slide sets,
e.g. RISC price performance, #1 in support, etc.
* Develop project specific slides.
* Multiple presentations might be required to get buy-in at
different levels of the customer's organization.
* Evaluate your specific customer situation to determine the
order of presentation which will be most effective.
* If demo is required, plan appropriate preparation time.
Local office to determine if FESS or customer chargeable.
* Presentation should be coordinated with report content.
* Recommendation for pilot (solution test) where appropriate.
* SDP Report Outline.
* Sample Pilot Proposal Letter.
* Pilot Training Evaluation Form.
* Company X NewWave Pilot Implementation Plan.
Work with the customer coach to get feedback and buy-in.
Revise presentation materials as necessary.
resources for presentation.
HP and 3rd parties may elect to do a dry run together prior
to customer presentation.
The content and strategic direction of the presentation
should be determined jointly by the HP, 3rd parties, and the
key customer personnel.
Be sure to schedule an ample amount of time to deliver the
presentation. It's much better to finish early than to run
Do everything you can to insure that you have the right
audience for the presentation and that the timing is such
that will have their attention.
It may be appropriate to deliver the presentation off site
or at the local HP office.
Time ought to be allowed for discussion following the
presentation. A key element of the presentation is a plan
for follow-on activity (the next steps), such as pilot
implementation consulting, hardware and software quote.
Determine whether you are to get commitment to go forward
here. If so, be sure that you and your internal coach
agrees on where and how in the presentation to ask for it.
Be sure to provide your audience with copies of your
against the customer's requirements in the customer's environment
for a specified timeframe. The project should be based on a
single business issue agreed upon by the customer and
Hewlett-Packard. This service is highly recommended to ensure a
successful solution implementation.
from the customer and Hewlett-Packard participants for the pilot
* Be sure customer participants have a vested interest in the
pilot area. Select key users for this team.
* Make sure customer participants come from various levels:
management, end-users, MIS. Balance participation among
the groups.
* Hewlett-Packard participants should include the following:
Sales/AEO management, Consultant, Product Specialists,
Customer Engineer Representative, Sales Representative,
Administrative Support.
* Project Team Structure Document
* Review the proposed solution and scale it down
to pilot size.
* Identify the customer area for the pilot project.
* Define objectives and Critical Success Factors for the project.
* Discuss scope and measures of the pilot project.
* Assign responsibilities.
* Define next steps.
* When defining the pilot, be sure to show functionality
that differentiates HP from the competition.
* Be sure all team members are present at meeting.
* Refer to Sample Agenda Outline for Pilot Kick-Off Meeting.
* Pilot should be of manageable size: select a small number
(i.e. 10-15) of participants for the pilot group.
* The Pilot should address an important customer issue.
* Use released software/hardware for the pilot.
* Use PC project management software; two recommendations
* TimeLine, from Symantec
* Project For Windows, from MicroSoft Corporation
* Assign responsibilities for data gathering in order to
plan the pilot.
* Schedule the next meeting for creating the pilot plan
to take place within 1-2 weeks.
* Sample Agenda Outline for Pilot Kick-Off Meeting
group, 3rd parties and Hewlett-Packard divisions to define
specifics of the pilot project.
* Determine if coding is needed for integration of products.
* Use sample forms for PC/Server configuration listed in
the tools section.
* Contact the Sales Response Center for any marketing specials
that can be used to purchase pilot hardware and software.
* OfficeShare HP 3000 Server Worksheet
* OfficeShare User Reference Worksheet
* LanManager User Accounts Worksheet
* LanManager Shared Resources Worksheet
* LanManager OS/2 Server Installation Worksheet
* LanManager PC Workstation Installation Worksheet
* HP 3000 Solutions Catalog, part no. 5952-7013D
* HP 9000 Solutions Catalog, part no. 5952-2297D
* Pilot Plan Outline
* Company X Business Intelligence Pilot Implementation Plan
* Company x Desktop Computing Pilot Plan
of the pilot plan. Included in this plan will be the
* Statement of Pilot Objectives/Critical Success Factors.
* Definition of Acceptance Criteria for Completed Pilot.
* Components of Pilot (H/W, S/W, 3rd party, networking).
* Scope of Pilot (Size, duration, pilot area).
* Implementation Schedule for pilot project.
* Milestones and measures for pilot project.
* Bring pilot plan template to meeting. Refer to template
for examples of milestones and measures of the project.
* Have meeting away from customer location.
* Use configuration guides to define parts of the pilot.
* Meeting should produce draft of pilot plan which
Hewlett-Packard will finalize and send to customer
the pilot team for approval.
* Now that scope of pilot is agreed upon, a quote for the
pilot project must be generated (tasks 060-200). Include
time spent up to now, on tasks 010-050.
* If possible, have PC available for plan generation.
* Pilot Plan Outline
* Draft Implementation Schedule
* Company X Business Intelligence Pilot Implementation Plan.
* Company X Phase I Desktop Computing Pilot Plan.
* HP 3000 Solutions Catalog, part no. 5952-7013D.
* HP 9000 Solutions Catalog, part no. 5952-2297D.
* HP 3000 Configuration Guide.
* HP 9000 Configuration Guide.
recommendations for the pilot project to
customer/Hewlett-Packard management and gains approval to move
forward with pilot.
* Have meeting away from customer location
* During this meeting, present the pilot quote to
the customer.
* Define next steps in order to start the pilot.
* Stress the importance of staying with original scope of pilot.
* Obtain agreement as to who will manage the pilot project and pay
for the pilot equipment.
* Pilot Presentation Outline
* Company X Phase 1 Desktop Computing Pilot Plan
and software to implement pilot.
* If possible, order equipment into consignment if
Hewlett-Packard is paying for the pilot h/w and s/w, rather
than scheduling existing equipment.
software for the pilot project. Third Party software is
installed by a Third Party representative or Hewlett-Packard
* Have ISP review meeting PRIOR to system installation.
* Verify software shipments from Hewlett-Packard and Third
workstation software and network operating system on one
* Be sure to tune PC memory configuration.
* Bring plenty of formatted floppies.
* Repeat this task for each workstation in the pilot.
* PC Memory Tuning Cookbook.
* OfficeShare User Reference Worksheet.
* LanManager PC Workstation Installation Worksheet.
* Obtain system configuration listing for the server.
* If multiple servers are to be used, repeat this task for
each server.
* OfficeShare HP 3000 Server Worksheet.
* LanManager User Accounts Worksheet.
* LanManager Shared Resources Worksheet.
* LanManager OS/2 Server Installation Worksheet.
to shared resources on the server.
* Repeat this task for each workstation in the pilot
* Use PC Memory Tuning Cookbook for sample PC configuration
* OfficeShare User Reference Worksheet
* OfficeShare HP 3000 Server Worksheet
* LanManager PC Workstation Installation Worksheet
* LanManager User Accounts Worksheet
* LanManager Shared Resources Worksheet
* LanManager OS/2 Server Installation Worksheet
* PC Memory Tuning Cookbook
into NewWave environment based on pilot definition.
At this point, the customer can begin using the software in
their new environment.
* Integrate PC applications into NewWave environment:
* Bridge DOS/Windows applications.
* Install NewWave applications (IN$ file).
* Setup Information Access.
* Setup NewWave Mail.
* Create customized tools and objects on NewWave desktop.
* Repeat this task for each workstation in the pilot.
coordinates resources for customer during the project. Pilot
measures are reported in the monitoring phase. For example,
measures of pilot success might be:
* Workstation was able to share Lotus spreadsheet on the network.
* Workstation was able to access all available servers.
* This task is ongoing for the life of the pilot project and
should be estimated depending on the scope and length of
pilot. For example, time spent during pilot to:
* Address issues
* Status meetings/phone calls
* customer questions/concerns
* Monitor acceptance criteria
* Estimates should be based on a weekly amount of time for
the length of the project.
* In the interest of Hewlett-Packard's success with the
pilot project, this step MUST take place even if customer
doesn't want to pay for it.
* Pilot Evaluation Worksheet and Instructions
* Pilot Project Change Request Form
function of entering and maintaining the project schedule
and producing all associated charts, graphs, and reports in
a way that provides necessary support for the customer Project
Manager to track the progress of the project.
* This task is ongoing for the life of the pilot project and
should be estimated depending on the scope and length of
* Use common software for project management/tracking.
* Remember to keep thepilot plan updated with current schedules
and plans.
* Pilot Project Change Request Form
* Pilot Evaluation Worksheet and Instructions
training materials for the pilot project.
* Use existing training materials whenever possible. Work
with your Education Center Marketing Rep.
* Target training for end-users in pilot group; customize
for a specific user group.
* Focus training on basic functionality- don't get too
* Multiple training levels may be necessary to properly
train the pilot team.
a specific group within the pilot team.
* Keep size of training class to a small number (i.e. 5-7);
participants should have similar experience level and
perform similar job functions.
* For better customer participation/less interruptions, hold
class at Hewlett-Packard facility if possible. Be aware
that the use of consignment equipment for revenue
generation may have legal constraints.
* Multiple training sessions may be necessary to properly
train the pilot team. This task will be repeated for each
training session delivered.
* Be sure class participants evaluate training class.
* Pilot Training Evaluation Form
the customer agree that all pilot acceptance criteria have been
met. This meeting focuses on evaluating the results of
the pilot project in preparation for refining the final
* Bring all pilot progress documentation to this meeting to
review with the customer.
* Discuss all information critical to making a final
solution recommendation.
* Set up meeting for verifying final solution
recommendation in Solution Report. Based on results of the
pilot, Hewlett-Packard Consultant revises the solution
recommendation and implementation strategy.
* The final solution recommendation should be a
Hewlett-Packard TEAM effort (Consultant, Sales
Representative, District Sales Mgr, Customer Engineer,
District Consulting Mgr).
* The proposed solution should not have any unanswered
* Proposed solution and implementation strategy should
contain more detail based on the pilot findings.
* It is recommended that a subset of the report is extracted
for the customer's high-level management.
the customer prior to final management presentation.
* Make sure pilot team agrees with proposed solution.
final solution recommendation for the customer.
* Use various media presentation tools; slides, flipcharts,
handouts, video.
* Structure presentation for appropriate audience level,
for example, do a high-level presentation for customer's
top management and a second presentation for the rest
of the customer players.
* Pilot Presentation Outline
recommendation to the customer.
* Primary objective of this meeting is to gain customer's
COMMITMENT to purchase the proposed solution.
* Pilot Presentation Outline
tailored to help you achieve a successful implementation
of your total solution. The full advantage of HP's
experience will be utilized to help you develop a project
plan and then implement according to that plan,
maximizing your return on your investment.
developing a detailed project plan for the project.
Team identifies the tasks required to achieve the
project goals. The work breakdown structure (WBS)
is a framework for identifying and displaying all tasks
that must be conducted in order to complete a project.
and dependencies of the tasks.
ownership of each task and assign resources to
accomplish the tasks.
showing the milestones and major tasks.
validity of the plan. It might also highlight the need to
notesribe the goal or scope or both with more precision.
contingency plans and how changes will be handled.
subtask level using the information determined in the
review of the draft plan.
overall project and communicate that authorization has
been given for the resources and time required.
during the project.
team meetings and give assistance to solving project
If you cannot attend, conduct review sessions with the
customer Project Manager to accomplish most of the
in those projects that involve multisite or multi-
application activities.
defined by both Hewlett-Packard and the customer to
facilitate communications and coordination among all
project participants.
established for every facility that is going to be
affected by the project. This could be just many local
facilities or worldwide in scope.
standards for the entire project at every facility. The
Consultant will assist in guiding the customer in
establishing these standards and training the members of
the group.
facilitate communication and identify issues among all
the project teams and sites.
and timeframes of the global project schedule.
maintaining the project schedule and producing all
associated charts, graphs, and reports, in a way that
Provides necessary project administration support for the
customer Project Manager to facilitate "real time"
tracking for the progress of the project. Provide common
software for project tracking and tool development for
the other modules.
will provide for the initial entry of the schedule and
the initial reports and graphs of the project plan.
and produces a new set of reports and graphs for the
the needed costing information and if no other tracking
capabilities are available to the customer. The amount
of information needed will depend on the Project
Management Software being used and the detail of the
tracking required by the customer.
consulting process. It should be clearly understood by
both the customer and the Consultant that from an HP
standpoint, this phase closes the project. Any additional
consulting services required to meet customer objectives
are available by ordering Custom Consulting.
success criteria. However, it is possible to meet all
criteria and not meet all the project deliverables.
Regardless, the Post Implementation Review process must
take place.
celebrate the completion of the project.
identification and resolution services. The consultant
can also help the customer to determine effective system
management procedures to ensure system performance is
The consultant provides performance problem
identification and resolution services. The consultant
can also help the customer to determine effective system
management procedures to ensure system performance is
activates performance measurement tools on the customer's
system. Performance data log files are collected and
the raw data reduced into a form usable in the subsequent
The consultant provides and installs (if applicable), and
activates performance measurement tools on the customer's
system. Performance data log files are collected and
the raw data reduced into a form usable in the subsequent
performance measurement tool on customer's system if it
is not already loaded.
The consultant distributes and installs an appropriate
performance measurement tool on customer's system if it
is not already loaded.
measurement tool on the customer's system if it is not
already active.
The consultant activates the appropriate performance
measurement tool on the customer's system if it is not
already active.
collected performance data from the customer's system.
The consultant extracts and collects log files of
collected performance data from the customer's system.
reduces the raw data into a usable form.
Using appropriate reduction software, the consultant
reduces the raw data into a usable form.
performance at global and applications levels, which
identifies performance problems, and outlines the cause
and resolution.
The customer receives an analysis of the current system
performance at global and applications levels, which
identifies performance problems, and outlines the cause
and resolution.
and application level including system resource
utilization, response times and transaction throughput.
The consultant analyzes system performance at a global
and application level including system resource
utilization, response times and transaction throughput.
improve system performance.
The customer receives specific tuning recommendations to
improve system performance.
recommendations to improve system performance.
The consultant analyzes and documents specific tuning
recommendations to improve system performance.
quality report of current system performance.
The consultant provides the customer with a presentation
quality report of current system performance.
performance including system resource utilization,
response times, and transaction throughputs. Explanatory
text and an executive summary of analysis and
recommendations is included.
The consultant prepares a graphical report of system
performance including system resource utilization,
response times, and transaction throughputs. Explanatory
text and an executive summary of analysis and
recommendations is included.
consulting service.
The customer receives a presentation of results of
consulting service.
The consultant prepares for the customer presentation.
The consultant delivers the customer presentation.
graphic report of current global system utilization.
The customer receives a presentation quality, color
graphic report of current global system utilization.
the global system utilization report.
The consultant exports data from HP LaserRX and produces
the global system utilization report.
graphic report of current system utilization, showing
both the overall system utilization as well as system
resource usage and service levels for the customer's top
five applications.
The customer receives a presentation quality, color
graphic report of current system utilization, showing
both the overall system utilization as well as system
resource usage and service levels for the customer's top
five applications.
the application system utilization report.
The consultant exports the data from LaserRX and produces
the application system utilization report.
planning services which assist the customer to plan for
business and system growth and change.
The consultant provides the customer with capacity
planning services which assist the customer to plan for
business and system growth and change.
activates performance measurement tools on the customer's
system. Performance data log files,are collected and
the raw data reduced into a form usable in the subsequent
The consultant provides and installs (if applicable), and
activates performance measurement tools on the customer's
system. Performance data log files,are collected and
the raw data reduced into a form usable in the subsequent
performance measurement tool on customer's system if it
is not already loaded.
The consultant distributes and installs an appropriate
performance measurement tool on customer's system if it
is not already loaded.
measurement tool on the customer's system if it is not
already active.
The consultant activates the appropriate performance
measurement tool on the customer's system if it is not
already active.
collected performance data from the customer's system.
The consultant extracts and collects log files of
collected performance data from the customer's system.
reduces the raw data into a usable form.
Using appropriate reduction software, the consultant
reduces the raw data into a usable form.
performance at global and applications levels, which
identifies performance problems, and outlines the cause
and resolution.
The customer receives an analysis of the current system
performance at global and applications levels, which
identifies performance problems, and outlines the cause
and resolution.
and application level including system resource
utilization, response times and transaction throughput.
The consultant analyzes system performance at a global
and application level including system resource
utilization, response times and transaction throughput.
configuration and workloads is developed and validated.
A mathematical model of the customer's current system
configuration and workloads is developed and validated.
reduce the performance data to produce the required
inputs for the modeling package being used.
The consultant uses sophisticated software tools to
reduce the performance data to produce the required
inputs for the modeling package being used.
base system model.
The consultant runs the modeling package to produce the
base system model.
system model by comparing these with the actual results
measured by the performance measurement software. If the
results do not validate, the consultant examines the
system workload characteristics, and model parameters and
adjusts the parameters to account for anomalies.
The consultant validates the results produced by the
system model by comparing these with the actual results
measured by the performance measurement software. If the
results do not validate, the consultant examines the
system workload characteristics, and model parameters and
adjusts the parameters to account for anomalies.
system configuration changes are modeled and future
performance predicted for each of the specified
The customer's proposed user, workload, application and
system configuration changes are modeled and future
performance predicted for each of the specified
mix and growth predictions and determines the "what if"
scenarios to be analyzed.
The consultant investigates the customer's application
mix and growth predictions and determines the "what if"
scenarios to be analyzed.
analyzes the results in terms of utilizations, response
times and transactions throughputs. Conclusions are
drawn regarding system configuration changes required to
support proposed changes. This is an iterative process.
The consultant models the customer's proposed changes and
analyzes the results in terms of utilizations, response
times and transactions throughputs. Conclusions are
drawn regarding system configuration changes required to
support proposed changes. This is an iterative process.
performance, scenarios analyzed and predicted future
performance is prepared for the customer.
A presentation quality report of current system
performance, scenarios analyzed and predicted future
performance is prepared for the customer.
analysis, recommendations and graphical representation of
current and predicted system performance together with
explanatory text.
The consultant prepares a customer report incorporating
analysis, recommendations and graphical representation of
current and predicted system performance together with
explanatory text.
the consulting service.
The customer receives a presentation of the results of
the consulting service.
The consultant prepares for the customer presentation.
The consultant delivers the customer presentation.
provides recommendations on how to optimize those
applications for better performance.
The consultant analyzes designated applications and
provides recommendations on how to optimize those
applications for better performance.
activates performance measurement tools on the customer's
system. Performance data log files,are collected and
the raw data reduced into a form usable in the subsequent
The consultant provides and installs (if applicable), and
activates performance measurement tools on the customer's
system. Performance data log files,are collected and
the raw data reduced into a form usable in the subsequent
performance measurement tool on customer's system if it
is not already loaded.
The consultant distributes and installs an appropriate
performance measurement tool on customer's system if it
is not already loaded.
measurement tool on the customer's system if it is not
already active.
The consultant activates the appropriate performance
measurement tool on the customer's system if it is not
already active.
collected performance data from the customer's system.
The consultant extracts and collects log files of
collected performance data from the customer's system.
reduces the raw data into a usable form.
Using appropriate reduction software, the consultant
reduces the raw data into a usable form.
performance at global and applications levels, which
identifies performance problems, and outlines the cause
and resolution.
The customer receives an analysis of the current system
performance at global and applications levels, which
identifies performance problems, and outlines the cause
and resolution.
and application level including system resource
utilization, response times and transaction throughput.
The consultant analyzes system performance at a global
and application level including system resource
utilization, response times and transaction throughput.
resource utilization, efficiency of database and file
usage and interaction with other subsystems.
The customer receives an analysis of their application's
resource utilization, efficiency of database and file
usage and interaction with other subsystems.
application overview analysis to determine which
applications will be investigated further.
The consultant works with the customer and uses an
application overview analysis to determine which
applications will be investigated further.
the application by procedure/module.
The consultant characterizes the system resource usage of
the application by procedure/module.
with database, file management and other subsystems.
The consultant analyzes the application's interaction
with database, file management and other subsystems.
recommendations to improve application and system
The customer is provided with specific tuning
recommendations to improve application and system
recommendations to improve application performance.
The consultant analyzes and documents specific tuning
recommendations to improve application performance.
current system performance, including application
performance. The report includes application
optimization recommendations.
The customer receives a presentation quality report of
current system performance, including application
performance. The report includes application
optimization recommendations.
performance including system resource utilization,
response times, and transaction throughputs. Explanatory
text and an executive summary of analysis and
recommendations is included in the report.
The consultant prepares a graphical report of system
performance including system resource utilization,
response times, and transaction throughputs. Explanatory
text and an executive summary of analysis and
recommendations is included in the report.
consulting service.
The customer receives a presentation of results of
consulting service.
The consultant prepares for the customer presentation.
The consultant delivers the customer presentation.
a network including end systems, intermediate nodes and
connecting network. The customer is provided with a
report outlining the consultant's findings including
specific recommendations for improvement.
The consultant analyzes the end-to-end performance within
a network including end systems, intermediate nodes and
connecting network. The customer is provided with a
report outlining the consultant's findings including
specific recommendations for improvement.
activates performance measurement tools on the customer's
system and network. Performance data logfiles are
collected and reduced into a form usable in the
subsequent analysis.
The consultant provides and installs (if applicable), and
activates performance measurement tools on the customer's
system and network. Performance data logfiles are
collected and reduced into a form usable in the
subsequent analysis.
performance measurement tools on customer's system and
network if they are not already loaded.
The consultant distributes and installs appropriate
performance measurement tools on customer's system and
network if they are not already loaded.
measurement tool on the customer's system and network if
they are not already active.
The consultant activates appropriate performance
measurement tool on the customer's system and network if
they are not already active.
collected performance data from the customer's systems
and network.
The consultant extracts and collects log files of
collected performance data from the customer's systems
and network.
reduces the raw data into a usable form.
Using appropriate reduction software, the consultant
reduces the raw data into a usable form.
distributed environment performance including end
systems, intermediate nodes and connecting network. This
identifies performance problems, and outlines the cause
and resolution.
The customer receives an analysis of the current
distributed environment performance including end
systems, intermediate nodes and connecting network. This
identifies performance problems, and outlines the cause
and resolution.
level for end systems and intermediate nodes where
applicable. The utilization and performance of the
connecting network is also analyzed.
The consultant analyzes system performance at a global
level for end systems and intermediate nodes where
applicable. The utilization and performance of the
connecting network is also analyzed.
improve the networked system environment performance.
The customer receives specific tuning recommendations to
improve the networked system environment performance.
recommendations to improve system and network
The consultant analyzes and documents specific
recommendations to improve system and network
quality report of current networked system performance.
The consultant provides the customer with a presentation
quality report of current networked system performance.
performance including summary of system and network
resource utilizations, response times, and transaction
throughputs. Explanatory text and an executive summary
of analysis and recommendations is included.
The consultant prepares a graphical report of network
performance including summary of system and network
resource utilizations, response times, and transaction
throughputs. Explanatory text and an executive summary
of analysis and recommendations is included.
the consulting service.
The customer receives a presentation of the results of
the consulting service.
The consultant prepares for the customer presentation.
The consultant delivers the customer presentation.
configure and effectively utilize HP's performance
management and capacity planning customer products.
The consultant assists the customer to quickly install,
configure and effectively utilize HP's performance
management and capacity planning customer products.
The performance product is installed on customer's
software on the customer's systems, sizes the logfiles,
initialize product for number of systems to be monitored
and initializes the communications link between the
monitored systems and the analysis workstation.
The consultant installs the collection and analysis
software on the customer's systems, sizes the logfiles,
initialize product for number of systems to be monitored
and initializes the communications link between the
monitored systems and the analysis workstation.
the product and the operational aspects of those
The customer receives an explanation of the components of
the product and the operational aspects of those
the parameter file, and logfiles.
The consultant explains the functions of the collector,
the parameter file, and logfiles.
operational aspects including starting and stopping the
collector, setting up the parameter file, collection
thresholds, and extracting and accessing logfiles.
The consultant demonstrates to the customer the
operational aspects including starting and stopping the
collector, setting up the parameter file, collection
thresholds, and extracting and accessing logfiles.
systems to be monitored and initializes the parameter
The consultant works with the customer to identify the
systems to be monitored and initializes the parameter
the system identifiers, determines collection thresholds,
identifies applications and updates the parameter file.
With input from the customer, the consultant configures
the system identifiers, determines collection thresholds,
identifies applications and updates the parameter file.
and documented for the customer.
Performance product management procedures are developed
and documented for the customer.
data access, logfile extraction and archiving and logfile
The consultant determines and documents procedures for
data access, logfile extraction and archiving and logfile
The customer receives a detailed demonstration of product
product including screen layouts, accessing local and
remote logfiles, and product usage at a global and
applications level.
The consultant conducts a detailed walkthrough of the
product including screen layouts, accessing local and
remote logfiles, and product usage at a global and
applications level.
the product parameter file.
The customer's applications are accurately configured in
the product parameter file.
following the first week of data collections.
The consultant obtains and reduces the customer's logfile
following the first week of data collections.
verify the parameter file definitions for applications.
The consultant uses proprietary tools to modify and
verify the parameter file definitions for applications.
following the initial period of data collection.
The product configuration is reviewed with the customer
following the initial period of data collection.
application definitions with the customer and
modifications are made to the parameter file if
The consultant reviews the collection thresholds and
application definitions with the customer and
modifications are made to the parameter file if
the results produced by the performance product.
The customer receives an explanation of how to interpret
the results produced by the performance product.
interpretation at global, application and process levels.
The consultant explains guidelines used for product
interpretation at global, application and process levels.
performance analysis using the customer's collected data.
The customer and consultant undertake a case study of
performance analysis using the customer's collected data.
performance data from the customer's system. Together
with the customer, the consultant performs analysis at
global, applications, and process levels.
The consultant conducts a case study using the collected
performance data from the customer's system. Together
with the customer, the consultant performs analysis at
global, applications, and process levels.
on reporting system performance.
The customer receives an explanation and recommendations
on reporting system performance.
reporting using the product.
The consultant explains and recommends performance
reporting using the product.
services as specified under the ConsultLine Program
Exhibit and Attachment A. Prices include all travel,
material and labor.
The customer receives Custom Performance Consulting
services as specified under the ConsultLine Program
Exhibit and Attachment A. Prices include all travel,
material and labor.
representation of current system utilization
including explanations, interpretation guidelines
and an executive summary.
The customer recieves a high quality graphical
representation of current system utilization
including explanations, interpretation guidelines
and an executive summary.
representation of their system utilization
which includes explanations, interpretation guidelines
and an executive summary.
The customer recieves a high quality graphical
representation of their system utilization
which includes explanations, interpretation guidelines
and an executive summary.
representation of their system utilization
which includes explanations, interpretation guidelines
and an executive summary.
The customer recieves a high quality graphical
representation of their system utilization
which includes explanations, interpretation guidelines
and an executive summary.
software as well as job streams or shell scripts. This is
sent to the customer together with a cover letter.
The consultant produces a tape containing the collection
software as well as job streams or shell scripts. This is
sent to the customer together with a cover letter.
resource utilization and then writes an executive summary
of current system utilization.
The consultant uses HP LaserRX software to analyze system
resource utilization and then writes an executive summary
of current system utilization.
graphs. Proprietary software is used to produce the
customer report.
The consultant uses LaserRX software to export the
graphs. Proprietary software is used to produce the
customer report.
The consultant binds and sends the report to the
representation of their system utilization by
application which includes explanations, interpretation
guidelines and an executive summary. This report
includes an overview of system utilization including the
system resource usage and service levels for the
customer's top five applications.
The customer recieves a high quality graphical
representation of their system utilization by
application which includes explanations, interpretation
guidelines and an executive summary. This report
includes an overview of system utilization including the
system resource usage and service levels for the
customer's top five applications.
representation of their system utilization by
application which includes explanations, interpretation
guidelines and an executive summary.
The customer recieves a high quality graphical
representation of their system utilization by
application which includes explanations, interpretation
guidelines and an executive summary.
representation of their system utilization
which includes explanations, interpretation guidelines
and an executive summary.
The customer recieves a high quality graphical
representation of their system utilization
which includes explanations, interpretation guidelines
and an executive summary.
software as well as job streams or shell scripts. This
is sent to the customer together with a cover letter.
The consultant produces a tape containing the collection
software as well as job streams or shell scripts. This
is sent to the customer together with a cover letter.
resource utilization and then writes an executive summary
of current system utilization.
The consultant uses HP LaserRX software to analyze system
resource utilization and then writes an executive summary
of current system utilization.
graphs. Proprietary software is used to produce the
customer report.
The consultant uses LaserRX software to export the
graphs. Proprietary software is used to produce the
customer report.
The consultant binds and sends the report to the